When it comes to eliminating debt there is usually one name comes to the forefront of everyone’s minds: Dave Ramsey. Ramsey is a radio host, TV host, author, and champion of the debt snowball. This method prioritizes paying off your debts from smallest to largest. Once the smallest debt is eliminated, you take what you were paying on that debt and add it to the payment of your next smallest debt. This is referred to as the snowball method because, like a snowball rolling down a hill becomes bigger, the amount that you pay towards your debts become larger with each eliminated loan.
Ramsey is no stranger to the kind of debt or financial hardship that he counsels people through. In college he began investing in and selling real estate and by 26 had amassed a $4 million portfolio. However he had become over-leveraged and by the next year he declared bankruptcy. Eventually, after recovering from his bankruptcy he began offering financial advice to couples at his church and that turned into a financial counseling business that has helped 6 million families get out of debt. And one of the biggest things he recommends, like we already mentioned, is the snowball method.
Why the Snowball Method?
Advocates of the snowball method argue that the reason it works is because paying off the smallest (easiest) debt first gives you that first victory quicker. Claiming that first victory quickly is exciting and gives you the motivation to keep working at paying off your debt. After the first debt is payed off, all the money that you were paying towards that debt can be added towards paying off the next smallest debt. That extra amount then helps you pay off the next debt quickly as well, giving you more excitement and motivation to conquer your debt.
Being deep in debt, on top of the financial burden and pressure it puts you under, can lead to a real sense of hopelessness. Oftentimes, paying the minimum towards debt can land you deeper in debt than you were before that monthly payment. The whole situation feels a little like drowning. The snowball method works because it gives you the hope that paying off debt is possible. And that hope can be just as important to conquering debt as reason and logic.

Criticisms of the Snowball Method
Critics of the snowball method counter with the fact that prioritizing your debts by principle amount rather than interest rate means that you’ll end up paying more in interest than you would if you tackled the debt with the highest interest rate first. That’s true. This is sometimes referred to as the avalanche method (I think just because it follows the same snow motif). Paying off your debts with the highest interest rates first will minimize the total amount payed in interest.
Since your smallest debts may not have the highest interest rates, you will end up paying more in interest using the snowball method than if you were to use the avalanche method so logically the avalanche method is a better option. Because of this I was firmly in the debt avalanche camp. But remember what I said above: “Hope can be just as important to conquering debt as reason and logic.” Debt is illogical. Most people get into debt by trying to keep up with the Joneses. There are a few good reasons to get into debt, like a buying a house, but most of the time getting into debt is illogical. Because of that it’s very difficult to logic your way out of debt.
Debt isn’t a math problem. It’s a behavior problem.
Dave Ramsey
Debt Snowball vs. Debt Avalanche
So which is better, the snowball or the avalanche method? Well if you like instant gratification and prefer to see results quickly the snowball method may be right for you. It allows you to quickly see initial victories and that momentum helps to motivate you to clinch those next victories. Perhaps a debt-repayment plan with a longer outlook for eliminating the first loan may cause you to lose motivation and give up on getting out of debt.
If you are the kind of person who is able to formulate a plan and stick to that plan for the long run, the avalanche method may be the better option for you. If you’re the kind of person who goes into your undergraduate fully expecting to take 12 years to finally finish your PH.D then you can probably take advantage of the avalanche method and thrive.
The FIRE community has been known for its math-based logical approach to eliminating debt and reaching financial independence so it’s probably safe to say that the debt avalanche approach is a better option for most readers here. But then again the kind of people who create a plan and stick to it unflinchingly for years on end aren’t usually the kind of people who frivolously get into debt. So that may be a moot point.
According to Ramsey’s website:
The debt avalanche and debt snowball have a similar goal: to help you become debt-free. But the debt snowball gives you motivation, and motivation is the secret sauce that gets you debt-free faster! When you pay off that smallest debt first, you get a taste of victory. And that feeling of success is the momentum you need to tackle the next debt with a vengeance.
With the debt avalanche, you won’t get a feeling of accomplishment for a long time. You could lose steam and give up long before you even pay off the first debt! Sure, it might make sense mathematically to begin with the debt that has the highest interest rate, but—let’s get real—if we were focused on math, we wouldn’t be in debt in the first place.

I went into this study favoring the debt avalanche method of paying off the highest interest loans first. And in my mind I still prefer it. For example the best investment you can make is paying off credit card debt. But I’ve never been in debt (other than a mortgage) so I guess this debate really isn’t for me.
But for people who feel crushed beneath the weight of their debt maybe the snowball method is the best way. I think I’m coming around to this side of the argument. Little victories early on in the process can make a marathon feel more like a sprint. And they can make it feel less daunting. If you are the kind of person who can stick to a plan by looking years into the future, the debt avalanche method is probably better, but for most people in a lot of debt the snowball method has real potential. Because for most people debt isn’t a math problem. It’s a behavior problem.
I our next post we’ll simulate a family’s debt with several different loans at different interest rates and calculate which option is better.
What do you think? Have you worked your way out of debt? How did you tackle it? Let us know in the comments below!